What are our services ?
Bike rental
in Saint-Brieuc Bay
Free delivery and collection service
in Saint Brieuc and the urban area
We organize day trips with different options in the bay of Saint Brieuc
About us

We are a Franco-Colombian couple, living in Saint-Brieuc since 2018 and amateur cyclists. We created B-Cyclette so that we could share our love of the region with visitors, as well as the exceptional natural and cultural heritage of the Armor Coasts, and we believe the best way to do so is on a bike !
We are committed with the promotion of cycling on the Armor Coasts, we want to improve awareness of the importance of preserving nature in tourism activities.
We are a certified establishment with the label "Accueil vélo"
This quality mark is similar to what you’ll find in certain other countries (e.g. Cyclists Welcome in UK, Bett & Bike in Germany or Welcome Cyclists around Quebec).
Our Bikes
Hybrid bikes, made in France, in aluminum, provides confort to ride on the cycle routes of the bay. Compatible with baby seat and travel bags.
All-terrain bikes, made in France, designed for hilly trails, ideal for discovering the mountain bike circuits of the bay of Saint Brieuc.
Urban electric bikes, designed in France. Bertin brand bicycles and velos from the French bicycle manufacturer.
Bike trip

From Saint-Brieuc, you reach the bay for a beautiful cycling trip around this natural reserve. Pedaling along the shores, the bay of Saint-Brieuc reveals a multitude of atmospheres depending on the time and the tides.

Crédit photo : ©La Vélomaritime-Les Conteurs
Would you like to know more about the circuits for the day or the weekend nearby ? From Saint-Brieuc to Erquy 40 km bike route :